Wild Atlantic Way

The Wild Atlantic Way stretches just over 2,400km in length and is the longest recognised coastal drives in the world. Starting in Malin Head Irelands most northerly point and following the coastline to Kinsale in Co. Cork. The drive is recognised by the blue rectangle on signage with white wave line through it, it is designated either N for traveling north or S for travelling south. Along the way there are some spectacular local driving loops that you can enjoy. But this is more than just a driving route, there are activitiy adventures, atrisnal food producers and amazing local craft people along the way that want to help you make the most of your journey. It is a vast experience and we have provided just some highlights that we feel are some of the highlights. Follw the links for each area to beging your adventure and for what you cant find just ask us a question or www.wildatlanticway.com

Hint & Tips: Some of the roads on the looped drive are very narrow, but the scenery is spectacular and worth the effort.There is also a Wild Atlantic Way Passport you can buy and have stamped at locations as you journey.

Just click on the region of the Wild Atlantic Way & begin your adventue 
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